Statistical Applications in Criminology and Criminal Justice 2012-2013
Modeling: Making Sure the Theoretical Dog Wags the Statistical Tail
Dr. Shawn Bushway
February 4, 2013
12pm – 2pm
1101 Morrill Hall

This seminar focuses not on a specific statistical method, but on the selection of methods. Bushway refers to this process as modeling, the exercise by which the researcher specifies a statistical model that matches or corresponds with the theory, process or phenomenon under study.   Two examples of textbook modeling are presented, the first where the model matches a policy question, and the second where the model matches a theoretical approach.  Non “modeling” based approaches to the choice of statistical methods are also discussed, including “control freak”, “method tyrant” and the ever popular, “cook book statistics”.   Participants will also be encouraged to think about putting theoretical “structure” on their statistical models, essentially creating estimates of what would happen if people acted in a certain ways.

Shawn Bushway