The Center for the Study of Business Ethics, Regulation & Crime is pleased to present David Malamed, the Head of Forensic Accounting and Chief Fraud Investigator at Cooper, Green & Warren LLP, as he talks about The Key Components for Fraud Prevention and Early Detection.
Businesses, whether public, private, government or not for profits, are highly susceptible to fraud. Having critical controls in place and making sure they work reduces exposure for the company’s business, employees, vendors, investors and customers. Fraud prevention and early detection are two foundational musts to protect any business from losses, leading to bankruptcy, liability, and harmful business reputation exposure. David Malamed will use real case examples and key methods to prevent fraud from occurring, provide early detection techniques, and explain recovery sources in the event of a loss. The talk will cover:
- Fraud awareness training
- Why a whistleblower program is your number one fraud detection control
- Employee monitoring
- Common red flags of fraud
- Sources for recovery
In addition to his role as the Head of Forensic Accounting and Chief Fraud Investigator at Cooper, Green & Warren LLP, David is a court qualified forensic accounting and fraud investigation expert specializing in fraud investigations and underlying damage quantification.
He has investigated, managed and reported on countless fraud allegations used in both civil and criminal court. He has been qualified numerous times in court as an expert in his field and provided testimony. David conducts and manages investigations on behalf of corporations, law firms, individuals, governments, law enforcement agencies and other public sector organizations. He also regularly publishes articles and video blogs on various fraud topics. Please visit to find out more about David.
This event will take place via Zoom on December 4, 2020 at noon.