The Racial Democracy, Crime and Justice Network (RDCJN) is now accepting applications for its 2024 Summer Research Institute: Broadening Participation & Perspectives.
The RDCJN's Summer Research Institute (SRI) is designed to promote scholarly success and career advancement among untenured faculty from underrepresented groups working in areas of crime and criminal justice. Faculty pursuing tenure in research-intensive institutions, academics transitioning from teaching to research institutions, and faculty members carrying out research in teaching contexts are encouraged to apply for the three-week intensive institute.
During the Institute, each Fellow will complete the project proposed in this application (either a research paper, grant proposal, or book/chapters) in preparation for submission for publication or agency funding review. The SRI will provide support to complete the project including senior faculty mentorship, networking opportunities, professional development workshops, and a culminating, two-day symposium.
The SRI is a three-week intensive program aimed to provide Fellows a unique opportunity to concentrate their time and effort towards their project and professionalization activities including building their cohort comradery. As such, SRI fellows are expected to prioritize their time to meet the demands of the SRI including being in person for the last two weeks of the SRI program, attending all meetings and activities for the duration of the Institute, as contributing members of the Summer Research Institute’s intellectual community.
The Summer Research Institute is organized by Professors Rod K. Brunson (UMD-College Park) and María B. Vélez (UMD-College Park).
Application materials are due by 5:00 p.m. EST February 16, 2024. See here for more details, and see here for a PDF version of the application information.