CCJS Doctoral candidate Erin Tinney has been awarded the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship by the UMD Graduate School for AY 2023-2024.
The Ann G. Wylie Dissertation fellowship provides full-time support for a semester to University of Maryland doctoral candidates who are in the latter stages of writing their dissertations.
Tinney’s dissertation, of which the working title is "Examining Educational Outcomes for Justice-Involved Youth Returning to Maryland Schools," looks at the impact of multiple levels of justice system contact on educational outcomes for youth in Maryland public schools.
Using the Maryland Longitudinal Data System, she examines how the level of contact an individual has with the justice system in high school impacts graduation, exclusionary discipline, and postsecondary enrollment. She also investigates how school absence may act as a mechanism in this relationship and how this relationship may differ by an adolescent's race and sex.
“I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Wade Jacobsen, for his continued support throughout my time in the program and during this dissertation process. I also appreciate the opportunities that I have had to work with many faculty including Dr. Jean McGloin, Dr. Sally Simpson, and Dr. Bianca Bersani,” Tinney said. “I am very grateful to the Graduate School for having received this fellowship, which will allow me to focus on my dissertation as I finish my graduate school career.”
Read more about the Wylie dissertation fellowship and the UMD Graduate School awards.