Distinguished University Professor Gary LaFree was recently quoted in a WalletHub article on increases in homicide rates across the largest U.S. cities.
In the article, LaFree responds to questions such as "What will it take for the homicide rate to decrease?" and "Will the second half of 2023 bring new solutions to the homicide rate problem?"
LaFree is Distinguished University Professor and former chair of the Criminology and Criminal Justice department, as well as formerly the Director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland.
Dr. LaFree received the G. Paul Sylvestre Award for outstanding achievements in advancing criminal justice statistics in 1994, and the Phillip Hoke Award for excellence in applied research in 1994 and 1998, from the Justice Research Statistics Association. With a D-index of 49 and an impressive citation count of 8,923, LaFree's work has shed light on the complex factors that influence criminal behavior and has provided insights into the causes and prevention of terrorism.
See Dr. LaFree's responses in the article here.