
Project Title

Annika Anderson “Race, Future Expectations, and Desistance from Crime”
Barbara Harris Combs “Blackout: Theorizing the Continuing Assault Against Black and Brown Bodies in America”
Jamein Cunningham  “The Language of the Unheard: Legal Services and the 1960s Race Riots”
Mimi Kim  “Dancing the Carceral Creep: The Anti-Domestic Violence Movement and the Paradoxical Pursuit of Criminalization, 1973-1986”
Vanessa Panfil “I was a Homothug, Now I’m Just Homo’: Gay Gang Members’ Pathways Out of Gang Involvement”
Gabriella Sanchez "Interactions between Migrants in Transit, Migrant Smuggling Facilitators, and Drug Trafficking Actors on the US Mexico Border: An Ethnographic Approach"
Mercedes Valadez  “Hispanophobia: An Examination of the Effect of National Origin on Federal Sentencing Outcomes among Latino Subgroups”
Robert Vargas “The Evolution of Homicide Hotspots Over the 20th Century: A Three-City Study”

SRI Participants