Project Title
Tony Cheng |
"Elite Wealth in Big City Policing" |
Patrice Collins |
"Everybody’s Locked Up: Black Families with Incarcerated Loved Ones” |
Marva Goodson-Miller |
“Resource Location and the Strength of Resourceful Weak Ties” |
Andrea "Amy" Martinez |
“Santa Bruta — Home of El Indio Muerto: The Colonial-Carceral City’s Attempt to Eliminate the ‘Mexican Problem’” |
Amber Powell |
"Youth Mobilization & Organizational Responses to Prison Rape Law in Juvenile Detention” |
Jonathan Reid |
“Race,Institutional Commitments, and Homicide: Incorporating Race into Institutional Anomie Theory” |
Joshua Ruffin |
“What’s Race Got to Do with It? Factors Influencing Urban Officers’ Off-Duty Participation in BLM Protesting” |
Melanie F.P. Soderstrom |
“The Impact of a School Resource Officer Program on Student Arrests” |