Emily Glazener is a faculty assistant in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, starting her current position working on a grant for the Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention in February 2022. She is a recent graduate of the same department, where she earned her PhD in December 2021. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the deterrent effects of heterogeneity in disciplinary custody stays as a result of institutional misconduct, and her research interests more broadly include courts and sentencing, corrections and reentry, and the collateral consequences of involvement with the criminal justice system. Emily worked with the Maryland Data Analysis Center throughout her time as a graduate student, working mainly with large criminal justice administrative data, including Maryland state-level rap sheet and sentencing commission data as well as local-level police enforcement and jail data. Emily holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MA and PhD in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Maryland.
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