BreAna Bell-Freeman is a Master's student in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland, College Park. She started her Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice at Temple University where she interned at the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office in the Homicide Unit. She transferred to the University of Maryland in 2020 and completed her degree in Criminology & Criminal Justice with a minor in Law & Society while working as a Pathways Intern for the United States Department of Justice. BreAna currently works at the Baltimore Police Department as an Embedded Analyst while also assisting Dr. Bianca Bersani and Dr. Lauren Porter on Baltimore-related studies. Her research interests include education and public health disparities in urban cities and marginalized communities.
Areas of Interest
- Race
- Sentencing
- Education Disparities
- Public Health & Safety
- Mixed Methods
- Youth & Crime
Degree TypeB.A.Degree DetailsCriminology & Criminal Justice; Law & Society Minor