Using a computerized life-event calendar, Simpson and Co-Principal Investigators Julie Horney (Penn State University), Rosemary Gartner (University of Toronto), and Candace Kruttschnitt (University of Toronto) collected 3 years of retrospective data from more than 800 incarcerated women in Baltimore, Toronto, and Minneapolis. This project (Women’s Experience of Violence or WEV) examines individual, situational, and community factors that are associated with violent offending and victimization. In addition, for Baltimore and Minneapolis respondents, neighborhood census data are linked to individual addresses. Ongoing projects that use these data include:
Unpacking the Criminogenic Aspects of Stress over the Life Course: The Joint Effects of Proximal Strain and Childhood Abuse on Violence and Substance Use in a High-Risk Sample of Women. Lee Slocum, Jennifer Medel, Elaine Doherty, and Sally S. Simpson. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, first published online, February 15, 2022.
Jacqueline G. Lee, Lane Kirkland Gillespie, Lee Ann Slocum, and Sally S. Simpson. Better Together? Intimate Partner Effects on Offending Women. Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, 6(4): 499-523, 2020.
Sally S. Simpson, Mariel Alper, Laura Dugan, Rosemary Gartner, Julie Horney, and Candace Kruttschnitt. Age-graded Pathways into Crime: Evidence from a multi-site retrospective study of incarcerated women. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 2: 296, 2016.
Sally S. Simpson, Mariel Alper, Laura Dugan, Rosemary Gartner, Julie Horney, and Candace Kruttschnitt. Age-graded Pathways into Crime: Evidence from a multi-site retrospective study of incarcerated women. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 2: 296, 2016.
Sally S. Simpson, Jennifer L. Castro, Laura Dugan, “Understanding Women’s Pathways to Jail: A Life Event History Analysis of the Lives of Incarcerated Women.” The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 41: 84-108, 2008.
Rachael Powers and Sally S. Simpson, “Self-Protective Behaviors and Injury in Domestic Violence Situations: Does it Hurt to Fight Back?” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2012.
Rachael Wyckoff and Sally S. Simpson, The Effects of Self-Protective Behaviors on Injury for African American Women in Domestic Violence Situations.” Crime, Law, and Social Change. Volume 49 (4): 271-288, 2008.
Lee Ann Slocum, Sally S. Simpson, and Douglas A. Smith, “Strained Lives and Crime: Examining Intra-Individual Variation in Strain and Offending in a Sample of Incarcerated Women.” Criminology, 43 (4): 1067-1110, 2005.