Honors Program Structure:

The Honors Program is a four-semester (12 required credit hours) sequence, which a student begins in the fall semester ofKara Groisser the junior year. 

  • CCJS388H, the first course in the sequence, will provide an in-depth understanding of various contemporary criminological issues and the production of criminological research. CCJS388H is offered only in the fall semester. 
  • CCJS389H Independent Research is an experiential learning component, where students can complete either an independent study, research assistantship, or research-based internship of their choosing. CCJS389H can be completed during the spring semester of the junior year or anytime in the senior year. 
  • In the fall semester of the senior year, students will enroll in CCJS489H, where students start the writing process for their honors thesis, solidifying their honors thesis topic, and beginning preliminary research. 
  • In the spring semester of the senior year, students will continue CCJS489H, during which the student will complete and orally defend their honors thesis. The honors student with the best overall thesis will be awarded the Dr. Laure Brooks Honors Thesis Award.  Honors students may count their honors courses toward completion of the CCJS Course of Choice major curriculum requirement. Note: Only three credits of CCJS489H will fulfill the 400-level CCJS Course of Choice requirement. 


Program Requirements Once Admitted:Frank Ricciardone

1. CCJS Honors students will be reviewed at the end of every semester to ensure they continue to meet the GPA requirements of a 3.25 cumulative GPA and 3.40 CCJS major GPA

2. CCJS Honors students must earn a B or higher in all CCJS Honors courses

Failure to meet the above listed requirements will result in dismissal from the CCJS Honors Program. 






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