Predicting the Violent Offender: The Discriminant Validity of the Subculture of Violence∗ Jean Marie McGloin, Christopher J. Schreck, Eric A. Stewart, Graham C. Ousey Criminology Volume 49 Number 3 2011 P767 2COMPLIANT- PREDICTING THE VIOLENT OFFENDER THE DISCRIMINANT VALIDITY OF THE SUBCULTURE OF VIOLENCE.pdf753.18 KB
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Young Girls’ and Caretakers’ Reports of Problem Behavior: Comprehension and Concordance Across Age, Race, and Behavior Lee Ann Slocum, Sally S. Simpson, Alison E. Hipwell, and Rolf Loeber Youth & Society, September 2011; vol. 43, 3: pp. 1010-1040. COMPLIANT-Youth and Society Young Girls (1).pdf448.04 KB