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Statistical Methods & Data Analysis
Brunson, R. K., Vélez, M. B., & Tapia, E. (2024). A race-centered critique of place-based research and policing. Aggression and Violent Behavior.
Brunson, R. K., Chillar, V. F., Holmes, M. D., Trapassi, J., & Pirrone, D. (2024). Participant accounts of police violence during black lives matter protests in Chicago. Policing and Society, 1-16.
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Brunson, R. K., & Chillar, V. F. (2024). Gun Violence and Pretrial Detention—Addressing Public Perception and Public Health. JAMA network open, 7(5), e2412929-e2412929.
LaFree, G., & Gill, P. (2024). Strengths and Weaknesses of Open Source Data for Studying Terrorism and Political Radicalization. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-17.
Ferwerda, J., & Reuter, P. (2024). National assessments of money laundering risks: Stumbling at the start. Risk Analysis.
Horowitz, V. L., Larson, R. P., Stewart, R., & Uggen, C. (2024). Fines, Fees, and Families: Monetary Sanctions As Stigmatized Intergenerational Exchange. The Sociological Quarterly, 1-20.
Kilmer, B., Midgette, G., & Nicosia, N. (2024). Combining Frequent Alcohol Testing with Swift-Certain-Fair Sanctions: Summary of the Peer-Reviewed Literature on 24/7 Sobriety and Ideas for Future Research. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 36(4), 201-208.
Porter, L. C., De Biasi, A., Jefferis, E., & Curtis, A. (2024). “It’s the Best Thing in the World Around Here”: The Potential for Protective Places in a High Crime Neighborhood. Crime & Delinquency
Lageson, S., & Stewart, R. (2024). The problem with criminal records: Discrepancies between state reports and private‐sector background checks. Criminology.
Bounoua, N., Sadeh, N., Payne, Y. A., & Hitchens, B. K. (2023). Structural barriers explain the link between negative community re‐entry experiences and motives for illegal behavior in street‐identified Black men and women.American Journal of Community Psychology.
Bjarnadottir, M. V., Chandra, S., He, P., & Midgette, G. (2023). Analyzing Illegal Psychostimulant Trafficking Networks Using Noisy and Sparse Data. IISE Transactions, online first 1-20.
Caulkins, J. P., Kilmer, B., & Reuter, P. (2023). Modeling cartel size to inform violence reduction in Mexico. Science, 381(6664), 1291-1293.
Lyons, C. J., Vélez, M. B., & Chen, X. (2023). Inheriting the Grade: HOLC “Redlining” Maps and Contemporary Neighborhood Crime. Socius, 9,
McGloin, J. M., & Augustyn, M. B. (2023). The Measurement Lens Matters: Considering the Sensitivity of the Gang Effect to Coding Across Samples. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 1-31.
Han, S., Piquero, A. R., & Bersani, B. E. (2023). Does Rational Choice Help to Explain Offending Differences Across Immigrant Generations? Focusing on Serious Adolescent Offenders. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, online first.
LaFree, G., Jiang, B., & Yanez, Y. (2023). Comparing the Determinants of Worldwide Homicide and Terrorism. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, online first.
Xie, M., Ortiz Solis, V., & Chauhan, P. (2023). Declining Trends in Crime Reporting and Victims’ Trust of Police in the United States and Major Metropolitan Areas in the 21st Century. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 0(0).
Ellis, R., & Inzana, V. (2023). Salvation Scripts: How Religion Matters for Women’s Desistance Narratives. Justice Quarterly, 1-28.
Branigan, A. R., Ellis, R., Jacobsen, W. C., & Haskins, A. R. (2023). System management and compensatory parenting: Educational involvement after maternal incarceration. Criminology.
Haskins, A. R., Jacobsen, W. C., & Mittleman, J. (2023). Optimism and Obstacles: Racialized Constraints in College Attitudes and Expectations among Teens of the Prison Boom. Sociology of Education, 96(3), 211–233.
Jiang, B., & LaFree, G. (2023). Climate Change, Fish Production, and Maritime Piracy. Weather, Climate, and Society, 15(2), 289-306.
Tahamont, S., Jelveh, Z., McNeill, M., Yan, S., Chalfin, A., & Hansen, B. (2023). No ground truth? No problem: Improving administrative data linking using active learning and a little bit of guile. PloS one, 18(4), e0283811.
Gaston, S., Brunson, R. K., & Ayeni, D. O. (2022). Suspicious places make people suspicious: Officers’ perceptions of place‐based conditions in racialized drug enforcement.Criminology & Public Policy.
Gaston_et_al_Criminology Public Policy - 2023.pdf
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Philippon, C., Wright, K. A., Telep, C. W., & Shaw, O. P. (2023). Learning with the Others: Perspective-Taking and the Future of Criminal Justicein the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1-20.
Tinney, E. (2023). The “STICKINESS” of stigma: Guilt by association after a friend's arrest. Criminology.
Criminology - 2023 - Tinney - The STICKINESS of stigma Guilt by association after a friend s arrest.pdf
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